Easy Static Link Solution for My CV

Easy alternative to Bitly for your resume / CV

#bitly#technology#url shortening

Have you ever needed a quick way to create and manage custom links, like the ones you might use on your CV? I recently faced this challenge and found that while services like Bitly allow for custom links, updating those links often requires a paid plan. That got me thinking: is there a simpler, free alternative?

The Problem

I needed to create a few static links for my CV—like pointing to a design system hosted on Figma—but I didn’t want to rely on services that could become paid or go offline. Self-hosting a URL shortener felt like overkill for just 4-5 links. So, I looked for a solution that was easy to manage, required no additional hosting costs, and could integrate into my existing website.

The Solution: Using My Website

Since I already have a personal website (junaidhossein.com), I decided to use it for creating and managing these links. Here are the methods I considered:

1. Astro’s redirect() Function

You can create a route like src/pages/portfolio/design-system/external.astro:

export async function get({ redirect }) {
  return redirect("https://www.figma.com/file/your-design-system-file", 301); // Permanent redirect

Pros: Simple and directly handled in code.
Cons: Requires creating a file for each redirect.

2. Static HTML with Meta Refresh

Place a static file in public/portfolio/design-system/external.html:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=https://www.figma.com/file/your-design-system-file" />
    <p>If not redirected, <a href="https://www.figma.com/file/your-design-system-file">click here</a>.</p>

Pros: No need to touch Astro code.
Cons: Not SEO-friendly, slightly slower.

3. Hosting-Specific Configurations

For example, on Vercel, update vercel.json:

  "redirects": [
      "source": "/portfolio/design-system/external",
      "destination": "https://www.figma.com/file/your-design-system-file",
      "permanent": true

Pros: Efficient and managed by the hosting platform.
Cons: Platform-specific configuration.

4. Astro Middleware (3.0+)

Add logic in src/middleware.ts:

import { AstroMiddleware } from 'astro';

export const onRequest: AstroMiddleware = ({ request, redirect }) => {
  const redirects = {
    "/portfolio/design-system/external": "https://www.figma.com/file/your-design-system-file",

  const path = new URL(request.url).pathname;
  if (redirects[path]) {
    return redirect(redirects[path], 301);

Pros: Centralized and dynamic.
Cons: Requires middleware setup.

5. Astro Content Collections

Define redirections in a collection like src/content/redirects/portfolio-design-system.md:

source: "/portfolio/design-system/external"
destination: "https://www.figma.com/file/your-design-system-file"
permanent: true

Fetch these in a catch-all route like src/pages/[...slug].astro:

import { getCollection } from 'astro:content';

export async function get({ params, redirect }) {
  const redirects = await getCollection('redirects');
  const path = `/${params.slug.join('/')}`;
  const rule = redirects.find((r) => r.data.source === path);

  if (rule) {
    return redirect(rule.data.destination, rule.data.permanent ? 301 : 302);

  return new Response(null, { status: 404 });

Pros: Scalable and easy to manage rules.
Cons: Overhead for small projects.

Adding a List Page for an Overview

To make things even better, I decided to build a small UI page that displays all my links. Using Astro Content Collections is ideal for this because it allows me to store redirection data in a structured format and dynamically generate both the redirect logic and a UI list page.

  1. Define the Links: Add metadata for each link in the content collection.
  2. Create a Catch-All Route: Handle redirects dynamically.
  3. Build the List Page: Use Astro to render a page displaying all links.

Final Thoughts

By leveraging my existing website, I now have a lightweight, free, and scalable way to manage custom links for my CV. It’s SEO-friendly, doesn’t require additional hosting, and gives me full control over my links. If you’re in a similar situation, give this approach a try—you might find it as satisfying as I did!